We are passionate about connecting people with Jesus, His power and love, and God’s purpose for their life.
“Our hope is that when you visit our church you will quickly find a warm, friendly group of people committed to making church a fun, exciting and life-changing experience. The words of Mordecai ring out in my heart. ‘You were born for such a time as this. I look forward to seeing each of us walk out our destiny this coming year.’”
What to Expect
When you come to our church, you will find a warm and friendly group of people committed to making church a fun and life-changing experience. There are services for the whole family that include contemporary worship, biblical teaching, and an opportunity to make a decision to follow Jesus Christ. The service lasts for about an hour and 30 minutes and there are plenty of hospitality volunteers to make sure your questions are answered.
Most people dress casual contemporary. Some people wear a suit and others come in jeans. Our main concern is not what you wear, but that you come as you are and experience what God wants to do in your life.
Kids Ministry
During each service there is a special program for kids, 0-5th grade. There are greeters at all the entrances to help you find your way to the kids ministry rooms. Your kids will be well taken care of and have a wonderful time at a service specifically designed for them.
Student Ministry
We have a thriving student ministry that helps students connect, elevate their faith and discover a passionate relationship with God. Junior High through High School students are invited to be a part of the Wednesday night 6 pm services at the student center.
Sunday services
Our weekly Sunday services minister to the whole family! Join us for our 9:00am & 10:30am services. We are excited to partner with you in pursuit of God!